+48 22 810 80 17 | biuro@mikrolab.waw.pl |
Comprehensive cosmetics research
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LEGAL REQUIREMENTSRequired to place products on the market is regulated by Regulation 2009/1223/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of November 30, 2009. The regulation entered into force on July 11, 2013 and introduced a number of new legal requirements and tests for both manufacturers and distributors of cosmetic products. OUR CERTIFICATES AND AUTHORIZATIONSMikrolab has a research laboratory accreditation certificate issued by the Polish Center for Accreditation, accreditation number AB 1531. Mikrolab has a GMP certificate approved by the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector. Mikrolab has been approved by the State Sanitary Inspection for water testing. The test results are honored by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Stations. |
WHY SHOULD COMPREHENSIVE COSMETIC TESTS BE PERFORMED?Cosmetic products that enter the market must be safe for consumers. In order to ensure a high level of user health protection, a cosmetic product should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practice and meet the relevant legal requirements. One of them is the need to perform microbiological tests resulting from the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EC) no. 1223/2009 of November 30, 2009, which has been in force since July 11, 2013. Microbiological purity testing of cosmetic products is carried out, among others, in in order to control the manufacturing conditions and check the quality of the finished product. The assumption of the research is to detect microorganisms in the product, including those that may be potentially pathogenic to consumers. The scope of the tests includes quantitative analyzes for the total number of aerobic bacteria, the total number of yeasts and molds and qualitative analyzes for the presence of specific, undesirable microorganisms in cosmetic products, i.e. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans and Escherichia coli. Dermatological testing of products is carried out under the supervision of a specialist doctor on the finished product and with the participation of a specific group of probants. The tests are performed to confirm or exclude the irritating and allergenic properties of the products. Application tests are performed in order to confirm the declared effect placed on the packaging. The test is also performed to ensure the user's safety of use and to exclude side effects. Instrument tests are performed to confirm the declared properties of the cosmetic. The antimicrobial properties test is performed in order to confirm or exclude the antimicrobial properties of the product against selected test strains. Physicochemical tests are performed to check and confirm the physicochemical properties of products and their durability. The safety assessment of a cosmetic product is carried out on the basis of information received from the product manufacturer (product composition, specifications for individual ingredients and test results) and toxicological databases. The safety assessment report is a key element of the cosmetic product documentation. Only products that pass the safety assessment can be released to the market. |
We offer a comprehensive package of cosmetics tests that meet the highest standards at every stage of production.