


Testing the compliance of the number of probiotic microorganisms contained in the product with the number of microorganisms declared by the manufacturer.

Test methods:

  1. validated methodological procedures developed in the Mikrolab laboratory
  2. client methodologies


Probiotics, in accordance with the Act of 25 August 2006 on food safety and nutrition, are classified as foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses. Probiotics are microorganisms that, when administered in the appropriate dose and form as pharmaceutical preparations or added to food, have a beneficial effect on the human body by improving the balance of the intestinal ecosystem. The most commonly used probiotics are lactic acid-producing bacteria of the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.


Mikrolab has the permission of the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector to manufacture (test) medicinal products and test medicinal products (for clinical trials) in the scope of microbiological quality control of non-sterile products.

Mikrolab has a GMP certificate approved by the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector.

Mikrolab has a research laboratory accreditation certificate issued by the Polish Center for Accreditation, accreditation number AB 1531.

Mikrolab has been approved by the State Sanitary Inspection. The test results are honored by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Stations.


Probiotics are preparations or food products containing single or mixed cultures of live probiotic microorganisms that have a beneficial effect on health when administered in adequate amounts. Probiotics may be classified as dietary supplements, foods for particular nutritional uses or foods for special medical purposes.

In order for probiotics to fulfill their task, they must contain a certain amount of probiotic microorganisms in the consumed dose of the product. Research on probiotic products should be carried out before launching for sale, but also during the shelf life of the product. A probiotic that does not maintain adequate stability, and the number of live microorganisms contained in capsules, drops or other forms of the supplement decreases during the shelf life of the product, may not give a noticeable effect.

It should be emphasized that only regular control of the product that is handed over to the consumer guarantees its safety. Although products in this category are not intended to heal but to supplement the daily human diet, their inadequate quality may affect the health of the consumer.

Probiotics, in accordance with the Act of 25 August 2006 on food safety and nutrition, are classified as foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses.

Probiotics Opinie

Opinie publikowane na stronie wg Polityki Opinii

Number of tested samples
500000Number of tested samples
Audits of control authorities and clients
500Audits of control authorities and clients
Satisfied customers
15000Satisfied customers
Years of experience
30Years of experience


Mikrolab sp z o.o.
ul. Lubelska 5/7
03-802 Warszawa
Tel.: 22 810 80 17

Water sampling
+48 732 080 317

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